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Petition Sign Up
To Call 4 Further Research Into Fibroids.

Fibroids affect one in three women and the symptoms make their lives miserable. Every month, in extreme cases, these women cannot work or continue their daily routine for several days.

Fibroids are an age old problem that has existed for centuries. Many of the "treatments" involve surgery and although it is a non-cancerous condition, many women face the ultimate price for it by loosing her womb which can result in not only pre-mature menopause but also the psychological consequences of loosing one's femininity.

Unlike breast cancer by comparison for example, the advancement in fibroid treatments has been slow in the last few decades. Furthermore, we still do not know the causes of fibroids.
We believe this is due to the lack of research efforts. Indeed, this situation has recently been recognised in the USA where as the result of the American women's voices, the Senate passed The Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act that has made the government funding into fibroid compulsory in June 22, 2005.

Is this enough?. Of course not, we need efforts from Europe as well as the rest of the world. Above all, UK should play a major part in this endeavour. In this context, we pledge for your support to raise more awareness and campaign in fibroid research by signing up for the petition.

Please add your name to the petition and tell your friends and family about our campaign.
Petition to the Politicians and Parliament
We, the undersigned, demand that the leaders of our government to put fibroids in the top of agenda for research funding for better scheme for early detection and non-invasive treatments.
Except for "your Opinion", all other fields are mandatory, when you sign a petition. ONLY your name and Town/City will be made publicly viewable.
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We need your email in case we need to contact you about your petition. We will NOT use it for any other purpose. Please be assured that ALL you personal information will not be revealed.
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