British Fibroid Trust Woman2Woman Fibroid Support Fibroids: Patient Guide
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Sponsorship & Partnership
At present, the operation of British Fibroid Trust (BFT) has been made possible by the financial and technical support from the Founder and voluntary efforts from the Trustee and BFT's ambassadors & medical experts.
To help our continued operation, future growth and needs, we welcome donations and grants from genuine interested individuals, medical community organisations, members of the medical community and socially responsible for-profit organisations to help defray operating costs and provide additional programmes and features to our users. Your company can support the British Fibrod Trust in a number of ways and demonstrate your commitment to the communities in which your company operates.
Benefits of Corporate Sponsorship

A partnership with British Fibroid Trust will bring many mutual benefits, for examples:

  • It reinforces your company's credentials as a socially responsible organisation.
  • It demonstrates your total support for a great cause benefiting thousands of women.
  • It is a statement that your company wants to give something back to the community at large.

Here are a few ideas

Companies can support the British Fibroid Trust in a number of ways, for examples:

  • Donations and Educational Grants - Sponsorship from companies like yours will ensure our continued operation of the website and future growth.
  • Sponsor a booklet - In the pipeline, BFT plans to publish and distribute booklet(s) or leaflet(s) covering fibroids, fibroid-related conditions, and procedures.
    These booklets will be distributed both via our website and in hard copies, to women all over the UK and beyond.
Please, contact us for further discussion.

THANK YOU: We thank you for your consideration in advance.

This page was last modified on Monday 1 February 2021 11:57 am.

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