British Fibroid Trust Woman2Woman Fibroid Support Fibroids: Patient Guide
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Thank You
The British Fibroid Trust would like to acknowledge the voluntary contributions of the followings:
Contributor Activity
Gynecare Sponsoring the printing of 50000 leaflets "Fibroid: What's next?" and postage to GP medical practices/clinics across UK.
Mr Adnan Abdallah Arabic translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Miss Louise Lai Chinese translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Prof. P-H Wang Chinese translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Mr Philippe Hamida-Pisal French translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Dr Sanju Paul Hindi translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Mrs Tünde Meláth Hungarian translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Miss Rasa Zurbaite Lithuanian translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Miss Magdalena Lappa Polish translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Mrs Mirela Siminiceanu Romanian translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Mr Francisco Lopez Arceredillo Spanish translation of our fibroid leaflet.
Dr Asena Paran Turkish translation of our fibroid leaflet.
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